Register for a College Tour Title * Parent first name * Parent last name * Address Suburb * Post code Day time contact number * Email * Number of adults attending tour * Number of children attending tour * Daughter's name * Daughter's current school Daughter's current year level * Select a tour * Tuesday 26th February, 9:30am Tuesday 26th February, 5:30pm Tuesday 26th March, 9:30am Tuesday 26th March, 5:30pm Tuesday 30th April, 9:30am Tuesday 30th April, 5:30pm Tuesday 28th May, 9:30am Tuesday 28th May, 5:30pm Tuesday 25th June, 9:30am Tuesday 25th June, 5:30pm Tuesday 30th July, 9:30am Tuesday 30th July, 5:30pm Tuesday 27th August, 9:30am Tuesday 27th August, 5:30pm Tuesday 24th September, 9:30am Tuesday 24th September, 5:30pm Tuesday 29th October, 9:30am Tuesday 29th October, 5:30pm Tuesday 26th November, 9:30am Tuesday 26th November, 5:30pm Personal Tour - please specify details of best days/ times to attend a tour in comments and we will get back to you as soon as possible Comments Hidden Captcha